Save Your Home & Your Health, Treat Water Damage Now!

Water damage is something no homeowner really wants to deal with, but untreated water damage will cause you headaches, both literally and figuratively. Any time you’re unfortunate enough to experience a natural disaster or simply a broken pipe, you don’t want to wait to start fixing the problem. Little problems can quickly morph into big problems, both for your health …

Water Damaged

5 Tips When Preparing For A Water-Damaged Home

While it’s unlikely that a freak hurricane is going to hit inland California any time soon, your home or rental property can still suffer water damage from natural disasters like earthquakes (burst pipes, anyone?) or a flash flood that gives the ground a good soaking and overwhelms the drainage systems. There’s a plethora of information online about what to do …

Don’t Let Your DIY Become An OMG

Whether you’re buying a vacation home or simply adding to your real estate rental portfolio, there’s a lot that goes into the decision to buy. Location, how much renovation is needed, and the overall cost are just a few of the important details. Something that often gets overlooked in the primary stages, however, is how you’re going to handle managing …